Sunday, 19 February 2017


                                    BED MAKING PROCEDURE 

  1. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 5
    Put the fitted sheet on the bed. Start with your clean and crisp fitted sheet. This is the sheet that has the rounded elastic corners. [3]
    • Place the sheet around your mattress and pull it taught in each corner. The elastic portion of each corner should be tucked in under the corners of your mattress.
    • The seam at each corner of the sheet should be in the middle of the mattress’ corners.
  2. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 6
    Lay your first of two flat sheets down. The first flat sheet lays down on top of your fitted sheet. Put the first flat sheet on the bed and make sure that your sheet reaches to the edge of the mattress where your headboard is.
    • Lay the sheet down so that it drapes evenly over each side of the bed. Lay the sheet with the finished side facing down, toward your fitted sheet.
    • Flatten the sheet and pull it taught on each side so there are no wrinkles.
  3. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 7
    Lay a light blanket down on top of your first sheet. Align the blanket to match the sheet. [4]
    • You will want to use a light blanket that is made of cotton or linen.
    • Flatten the blanket out and pull it at the corners to meet the corners of your sheet. Fold the portion of the blanket toward your headboard down to where your shoulders or chest will be when laying in the bed.
  4. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 8
    Lay down your third sheet. This is your second actual sheet, but your third layer because you've placed a blanket. The third sheet will go above your light blanket. Lay it with the finished side facing down toward the mattress.
    • Align the third sheet to match with the placement of the first sheet. Bring the top of this sheet to align perfectly with the edge of your mattress at the headboard.
    • Flatten the third sheet with your hands and pull it taught at all corners.
  5. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 9
    Sandwich the top sheet between the blanket and first sheet. Fold down the top edge of the third sheet over the top edge of your blanket.
    • Take the portion of your third sheet that extends past the blanket and fold it back so it's now between the blanket and your first sheet.
    • Fold and flatten the portion of the sheet under the blanket so it rests perfectly flat.
  6. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 10
    Fold the top sheet down toward the foot of the bed. Now take the top of your first sheet which is still flush with the edge of the mattress’ edge on the headboard side. Fold the portion of this first sheet that extends past the edge of the blanket and the third sheet back over the top of the blanket and third sheet. [5]
    • This portion of your first sheet will now be on top of the other two layers.
    • Flatten the edge facing the headboard to give your bed a smooth, crisp look.
    • How far down you fold your sheets will depend on how many pillows you plan to place on your bed. You want your sheets to end where your pillows start.
  7. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 11
    Fold in the corners. Next, you will fold the corners at the foot of the bed. Take all three layers at one corner and pull taught. Flatten the sheets at the foot of the bed.
    • The excess fabric that still needs to be tucked under the mattress will form a triangle shape. Bring the leftover fabric down and over toward the foot of the bed. It will create an envelope-like look. Then fold the remaining fabric under the mattress.
    • To get a nice envelope look, run your finger down the side of the bed at a forty-five-degree angle. Do this while pulling the sheets taught with your other hand. This creates an imaginary triangle. Fold the triangle portion of sheets at the bottom under your mattress.
    • Tuck in the rest of the sheets and smooth to remove wrinkles.
    • Do this for both sides of the bed.
  8. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 12
    Place your comforter, or duvet cover, onto the bed. Lay the comforter down with the top edge about 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the headboard. [6]
    • Without letting go, throw the comforter on your bed and let it float down on top of your sheets. This motion will allow it to retain fluff.
    • Pull the corners taught and equally distributed on both sides of the bed. Then fold the top of the comforter back in a rectangle to leave room for your pillows.
  9. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 13
    Place your pillows in the correct pillow cases and fluff appropriately. Then arrange the pillows to your preference.
    • The amount of pillows and styles you use is up to you. The only requirement is that you use the same number for each side of the bed. Place the pillows in a symmetrical arrangement on each side.
    • Once the pillows are laid, you may unfold your duvet cover slightly to meet the pillows.
  10. Image titled Make a Hotel Bed Step 14
    Lay a throw blanket down if you so desire. You may add a throw blanket over your duvet cover if you wish to accent your bed any further.
    • Depending on the size of your throw, fold it into a rectangle and gently lay it on the duvet cover toward the bottom third of your bed.
    • Do not let any of the throw extend over the foot of the bed. It will make your bed look sloppy and uninviting.

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